The Wise Men were very keen to meet with the new Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) leaders of our Parish. PPC members share a responsibility to listen & lead the building of a more inclusive, compassionate and outward-looking parish community. A number of new faces have joined our PPC and assumed responsibility for for each of the parish Heart Segments.
The 2020 PPC met on Sunday night to focus on personal faith development and team vision in preparation for the new year. Councillors are encouraged to seek out opportunities that assist in the development of their own relationship with God and with one another, so that they are better able to respond to the hopes and needs of parishioners and promote God’s values of love, justice and peace. Formation is included in each monthly council meeting with the expectation that pastoral councillors become better equipped to respond to their role of service, and are enriched with our parish vision to be and form disciples who joyfully live out the mission of Jesus.
We pray to be humble and bold leaders like the Wise Men who sought truth and recognised God’s word. #parishpastoralcouncil #adelaidearchdiocese