Hello Everyone,

I thought I would send an update on Father John.
John remains in hospital and his current situation is considered grave. That said, he has weathered the past few days when his kidney went into failure and it was doubtful he would respond to the treatment options, however his blood results today show a more positive outlook, as he remains the same, not worsening. His medical team hope that his body will start to process fluid and stop it building in his body and lungs.
His sister Colleen and brother Paul spent the night with him last night and have returned to Melbourne for the moment. Johns personal network of friends have ensured he has someone with him, however on medical advice, he is not to have visitors outside of this, for the present time.
It is critical that he remains rested and that outside infection is limited. Should this change we will let you know.
Many calls and well wishes are being sent to John and he knows that you have him in your prayers. He is grateful for the outpouring of love from our wonderful community. A message book will be left at the back of the church for those wishing to pen a personal note, we will ensure these are read to him.
Keep those prayers coming. Many blessing to you all.