Henley Praise and Worship Nights happen once every two months at the Church from 6.30pm to 9pm.
It is a chance for fellowship over food, sharing faith and praising God together with uplifting music from the Seaside Worship band. The band is made up of guitarists, singers, keyboard, drums and people with a heart and passion for helping people encounter God.

The vision behind these events is to give people a chance to encounter God in a real and tangible way. This is done in various forms at these events: fellowship from people, praise and worship, prayer teams, reconciliation and more! God uses these opportunities to speak to us. We believe that music is a great form of prayer as when we praise God in the Spirit, the focus is taken off ourselves and put upon the Lord. We praise God for who He is.

I invite you to take part in these nights, no matter if your from Henley Beach Parish or not, young or old. We believe God wants to speak to you through this beautiful form of prayer!