Calling on all our Henley Parishioners.
Our St Vincent De Paul conference needs financial help.
At present SVDP head-office is unable to assist the individual conferences. Staff have been stepped down and the Clothing stores have been closed, so income for the State office is a real issue. It is anticipated that their large fundraisers - the Winter appeal and Winter Sleep out will not realise anywhere near what they generally rely on. The demand on the local conference will increase, as those caught without Government funding seek help until such time as a solution is determined for them.
Internationals students, international families bought here on work visa's that have now found themselves made redundant and not eligible for Australian benefits. There are families who are eligible but will not receive payments immediately. This adds to the normal demand for assistance.
The state head office will generally prop up the local conference, but they are no longer able to it’s up to us.
If those who are able, simply give the cost of one takeaway coffee, the burden will be carried by all of us.
If you can assist in just a small way, please drop by the parish office which is open daily from 9am till 5pm and the doors will be open on this coming Good Friday during the day as well. A special secure box is in the glass porch. Please mark your envelopes SVDP appeal. You can also call the parish office on 8356 8888 to make cc donations. Just a little something from everyone will help.
Thank you.
Henley Beach SVDP, Fr Paul Cashen, PP and Noreen Gaudry Parish Manager
Test message 29/03