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Finally we can come together!

Tomorrow we can finally come together for Sunday worship as a Parish community.

A HUGE thank you to the many, many people who got us through an unprecedented Parish shutdown - We kept our vulnerable safe. We stayed connected. We supported each other.

A major thank you to the Zoomers & Millennials who kept us going during the past few months and to whom the majority of leg work, headaches & expertise fell.

We have learnt to stream masses, and hold Zoom meetings, Bible reflection & Adoration. We called & visited each another with food & Communion, we restocked our Vinnies bunker & supported our local vulnerable. We flooded our website & Facebook to keep people informed/ involved/ connected.

Thank you also to all the people who helped refresh & revitalise the Church, Hall & Parish Centre; we can’t wait for you to see it.

This may not be over yet, but we are full of hope; we are full of gratitude; and we thank God for the gift of each other and the gifts we bring that enrich our whole community.

Can’t wait to see those of you who are ready and able to venture out from tomorrow!


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