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Every three years we begin a new Thanksgiving, or Planned Giving campaign. This is the time when we reflect more consciously on the contribution we make to our parish family, by giving of our time, our talents, and our finances.

My Dear Parish Family,


Every three years we begin a new Thanksgiving, or Planned Giving campaign. This is the time when we reflect more consciously on the contribution we make to our parish family, by giving of our time, our talents, and our finances.

We know that we are blessed to live in this nation and at this time of relative prosperity. When we think of events like Brexit and the election of President Trump, of the terrorist attacks in Europe and the U.K., we realize that our world is somewhat unstable. Despite the scandal and horror of clerical sexual abuse, many in our church are working for transparency and reform, and our parishes are still vibrant places of worship and love.

We are blessed in our parish to focus on our fundamental calling as ‘missionary disciples’ of the Lord Jesus. We want to deepen our relationship with Jesus (evangelize), and we want to reach out to all who do not know him, especially the poor and needy (social justice). We are fortunate to have over 110 people experience the phenomenal Alpha programme [the best discipleship training I know]. And groups like St Vincent de Paul (who visit the needy in our area) and the MSC Mission group (who work to bring clean water projects to PNG and the Pacific Islands) keep those less fortunate than ourselves before our eyes [missionary outreach]. Our two employed pastoral workers are crucial: Barb has a gift for evangelization, and Anne for outreach, especially to the needy.


We have a beautiful church and facilities, and a great staff. We need to ensure that all our facilities are maintained and our parish efficiently run by our office staff, our leadership team, and our volunteers.

All these reasons are why we absolutely need  to have a new Planned Giving Campaign.
(2017-2020 PG Renewal Brochure ).

We know that God loves generous hearts, and that people want to support parishes that are doing good things to spread the Good News everywhere.

With gratitude to you all,

Fr John Rate msc


Thank you for your wonderful support of the Parish, and if you are an existing Planned Giver, for your continued commitment. Planned Giving is the life-blood of parish activity.

The Parish is always in need of financial support. We have a large staff (2 priests, 1 deacon, 2 part-time female pastoral helpers, and 4 part-time office staff), excellent facilities, and good programmes which all require money. Our mission as a Parish is to lead people to God. As well as Sunday Mass and the sacraments, we have many other spiritual and social programmes, all of which require financial support. Our latest venture is the basic introduction to Christianity course called Alpha, which has been immensely popular, and we hope to start two youth groups in September.  

Planned Giving makes up over 80% of our annual income, and is crucial for  the Parish’s thriving. We begin a Planned Giving Programme every three years, which asks you to make a financial commitment for the next three years. For existing givers, we ask you to consider increasing your pledge by around 10%. For new givers, traditionally we ask  you to consider giving around 1% of your income. If this appeals to you, then we ask you to consider a contribution on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly basis. This is your gift to God and God’s mission in our Parish; the amount you choose is between you and God and of course every gift is welcome.

Please take time to look at our enclosed brochure, or via our online information, and prayerfully consider what you wish to give. You can complete the Pledge Card on the brochure’s back page 

and return to us by mail, by bringing to the Parish Office, or by putting in the Planned Giving boxes in the Church. Alternatively, you can complete the card on Pledge Sunday, September 10, during Mass. We would love all cards returned by the end of September.

Please take time to check out our Parish website and facebook pages to keep up with our latest happenings and events, and don’t forget to view our Parish DVD.
(Parish Life DVD – “Our Church Our Community Our Commitment”)

Thank you again for your support of the Parish, and may God’s blessings be with you.

Yours faithfully,

Fr John Rate msc             Chris Velliaris
Parish Priest                     Parish Finance Council Chairperson

2017-2020 PG Renewal Brochure  

Henley Beach Electronic Giving Brochure


We encourage electronic Planned Giving via a regular Direct Debit or Credit Card payment. Over 45% of current givers do this, and this ensures us of a regular monthly income, decreases cash handling, and improves cash security risks.

A percentage of your giving can be used as a tax deduction, and tax deductible receipts are issued after the end of the financial year if you request this in advance.



Please take time to look at our enclosed brochure, or via our online information, and prayerfully consider what you wish to give. You can complete the Pledge Card on the brochure’s back page (or download here 2017 PG Renewal Pledge Card)and return to us by mail, by bringing to the Parish Office, or by putting in the Planned Giving boxes in the Church. Alternatively, you can complete the card on Pledge Sunday, September 10, during Mass. We would love all cards returned by the end of September.



you can click here and email and request to have the brochure and forms posted or emailed to you.  

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